Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why do Liberals hate hunting?

Death is apart of nature.Why do Liberals hate hunting?
I have a hunting family and I know how to hunt and i'm a liberal so stop stereotyping us.Why do Liberals hate hunting?
Liberals aren't against other people hunting. This is a misconception. I'm fine with other people doing it.

I just don't want to sit around in the cold all day waiting for something that might happen. Not my idea of fun.
because they hate wearing the hat with the antlers on it?
I wouldn't enjoy hunting myself (and I'm a lefty-lefty-LEFTY liberal), but I don't have anything against it as long as they eat what they kill.
I vote for the Democratic Party and I hunt. So what's with the generalization? Does this mean conservatives hate fishing?
Why do Liberals hate hunting?

Don't collectively group all liberals together. I happen to know for a fact that there are many liberals in America who are not only gun owners but hunt as well.
I don't hate hunting.
Come say that to the Blue States of New England....

I'm not against hunting when it's done out of necessity or even sport and you are going to eat what you kill. I'm against mindless killing just for fun.
Hunting for foods is fine, but killing just to kill seems a tad bit disturbing. Like shooting wolves, from a helicopter, for example, how could that even really be considered sport?
They are tree hugging freaks!
They don't...

More importantly, death is not apart from nature...

Interestingly, for some reason, conservatives seem aghast at the notion of preserving significant wilderness to promote viable wild populations, much less protect critical headwaters for our streams. Given this, I wonder why conservatives hate hunting and fishing since they do so little to insure for the future of such.
Being shot by a high velocity armour piercing bullet by some redneck is not a part of nature!

Why do conservatives love to kill things for fun then claim to be the ones that are ';closer to god';?

God B. Less!
had the deer had his own rifle, they might think differently.
You don't know much about liberals. You should educate yourself before posting.
So we can hunt humans, then? After all, it's apart of our nature.

Killing for fun seems...evil.
Because the can buy their meat products at fashionable, gourmet stores where they can purchase

';P芒t茅 de foie gras';(from a goose or duck who is force-fed) to serve their humane and enlightened Liberal friends.
It is also an important part of conservation now that human expansion into natural habitat has become so prevalent. Large, unregulated animal populations breed diseases such as canine distemper in raccoons and a whole plethora of diseases in deer. These will run rampant an destroy entire populations if left unchecked.

Hunters spend more toward conservation than any other group...fact. Sure they may do it for selfish reasons but the point is they do it. Where would the wetlands conservation be if it were not for Delta waterfowl or Ducks unlimited?

I guess liberals were just those kids who cried when Bambi's mother got shot and it stuck with them through their lives. There is no other explanation other than an emotional reaction.

Funny enough is the realization that if it were not for hunters in their own bloodlines they would not be here today.
Killing for sport is unnatural and inhumane. My philosophy is ';live and let live... until I'm hungry or my life is threatened.';
stereo type much?????????

people like you prove every day on here that Cons are 100% wrong about Liberals, 99% of the time.
HUH, I am extremely surprised to find out I don't like hunting.

Death is not apart of nature, it is integral to it.

Death is part of life.

(OK, I know you meant ';a part'; instead of ';apart'; but I could not resist a dig at your typo.)
the ecosytem thrives on animals doing their part on this land..

Rednecks are killing the enviroment. they are so dumb i bet you they dont even know that animals contribute to keeping our enviroment alive... they are inbred and stupid.

Conservatives kill the enviroment with drilling, killing animals, and building corporations.
If death is apart of of nature, that would make it not a part of nature. You're missing a space.

And you're making things up. I've had my deer license since I was 13 and I'm as liberal as they come.
I always thank Jesus before gutting my kill.
because hunting involves doing work
real fur wears......fake people......lol

liberals do not like to look at the fact that some humans CHOOSE to use their skills to effectively take down their prey....as opposed to the liberal approach of mentally shredding their victims into co-operation........
Nature? That's your argument, that things which are natural are necessarily good? This is a fallacious argument, the ';naturalistic fallacy,'; and it is a classic form of bad argument.
So if death is a part of nature, does that mean you wouldn't object if someone tried to kill you?

I don't really hate hunting. I just don't understand why people like it. ';Wow I killed Bambi! Good for me!';
Hunting is not OK but abortion is OK, figure that one out.
it requires getting up early and work.......

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