Saturday, August 21, 2010

What deer call should i use while hunting to give be the best chance at seeing a deer?

The best thing to do is to use no call at all. The ones that have some success using the call are probably less then 10 percent of the hunting population. The other 90% only succeed in scaring the deer away when attempting to call. I am blessed with the opportunity to hunt in country with a very high deer population. I will average seeing 50-60 deer out of my stands each hunting season. And this is what I have found on the many occasions of trying out deer calls on deer that I can see and gauge their reaction to the call. A fawn distress call is the most effective on doe deer in the early season. The drawback is that it only attracts does and they come in on red alert. Impossible to get a bow shot under those circumstances. The grunt call- It only works on rare occasions, but to be honest my two biggest bucks were killed by me using the grunt while the deer were working a scrape out of bow range.They did come to the grunt. But I found that while nothing hardly ever came to grunt call, it did not spook the deer in the slightest. They would just stop and look in my direction for a few minutes and then continue on their way. The bag of sticks that is supposed to replicate two bucks sparing is a joke. No success with that one at all. The buck roar deer call is another joke. These people should be ashamed for taking the publics money with that one. The rattling horns- They do work at the right time of year and at the right location. But you need to know, most bucks will cirlce downwind before coming in, so if your scent is not controlled you will never know the deer came that close to you. This method will work best if two people hunt together and one rattles and the other takes a stand about 150 yards or so downwind of the first hunter. That's about all I can help you on this one. But I am sure others may have had greater success then I have in the area of calling deer. But weather you are successful or not, it's still great sport to hunt and try different things on ocassion .Good luck with the coming deer season.What deer call should i use while hunting to give be the best chance at seeing a deer?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

If you want more calls just search you tube.What deer call should i use while hunting to give be the best chance at seeing a deer?
Estrus call with some estrus scent hanged around the shooting zone.
well if you are hunting the rut i would use a grunt and rattle a bit.
Fawn distress. It works almost year round.
None. Unless you're an expert, you'll just scare them off.

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