Friday, August 6, 2010

They have officially banned cockfighting in Louisiana. Rodeo should be next and then hunting. How can I help?

Have you ever seen a video of steer tripping? Calf Roping? Team Roping? As far as hunting goes what happens to the wounded animals that get away?They have officially banned cockfighting in Louisiana. Rodeo should be next and then hunting. How can I help?
you can start by blowing your brains out with a pistol of your choiceThey have officially banned cockfighting in Louisiana. Rodeo should be next and then hunting. How can I help?
Cockfighting and dog fighting are terrible. It's great that LA finally joined most of the other states in outlawing this barbarism.

Rodeo skills, however, are cowboy working skills shown off to fans. The animals are not getting anything different than they would get on the ranch.

Hunting for legitimate food and population control purposes is necessary. Although I agree that trophy hunting is repugnant. If you kill it, you eat the meat, tan the hide, etc.
Ban hunting? Why? You're a god damned douche bag.
If you want to ban rodeo and hunting, you need to go live on another planet. What you can do to help is go find someplace where there is absolutely nothing, like a deserted island, and move there.
No cows were hurt in that video. You see any broken legs, snapped necks? Probably not even a sprain.

Wounded animals (product of city boys not knowing how to shoot) get eaten by the carnivores out in the woods.
Yes ban cockfighting and dog fighting, that goes without saying, but leave the rodeo guys ( and gals) out of it, and the hunters too, you probably don't know it, not by your own fault, but by the liberal education system where no child is left behind, but hunters contribute more to conservation , in dollars and deeds, than any other group does.
Trey g, you just don't get it. People have been hunting for as long as man has been on the earth. Do you really thing that you and some of you poser intellectual friends are going to stop this. You think that you are enlightened, but i guarantee that if you went 72 hours without food, you would hunt down and eat anything that you could get your hands on, including ';fuzzy little bunnies'; and ';cute little deer';. You are more that likely to be a hypocrite and are a meat eater.
the Atlanta Falcons QB is in trouble for dog fighting which is illegal in all 50 states. i live 8 miles from Yellowstone Park and the sickest people on the planet come to Yellowstone to watch wolves eat calf elk and buffalo alive ... and i mean ALIVE!! the blood pumps 7 feet into the air. the calves can scream for 4+ minutes. often a pack of wolves will kill 5 or 6 calves at a time and our US government makes big $$$ advertizing the horror and even provides binoculars to the degenerates. wolves have to eat but what kind of animal watches an animal eaten (AND LITERALLY SCREAMING) alive?
First off, you aren't doing anything by banning cockfighting. Dogfighting is illegal, and it didn't stop Michael Vick.

Now, as far as hunting goes, the point is to kill the animal. Some are wounded, but most hunters still pursue it because first, they want the meat, and second, few are heartless enough to leave one wounded like that to die.

As for rodeos, have you ever seen what a steer can do to a man? The animals aren't harmed. Every event except bull riding represents an event that is practiced every day on a ranch, from breaking horses to ride, to roping and wrestling steer to tag them (they don't brand cattle anymore) and administer vet services to them, or just to move them from area to another. Trust me, ranchers are not in the business of hurting cattle, they are in the business of raising them, and again, no one wants to see animal abuse.

I myself know of people who would go hungry without hunting and fishing to help put food on their table, and since my grandfather was a cowboy and he and my aunt were rodeo performers (he was a roper, she was a barrel rider), I see the side of these sports that you don't. If you would take the time to learn about them instead of immediately thinking that any time an animal is used for entertainment it's abuse, you might learn a thing or two about it.
You need to find the question titled '; HUNTING QUESTIONS'; if you dont like hunting go away. Most of us hunt and like it, and could really care less about your opinion of it. If yo dont know what happens to wounded animals you obviously dont have enough information to form a real opinion anyway.
shut up. I'm tired of you anti hunters posting questions on the hunting section. here are the facts. YOU WONT CONVINCE A HUNTER TO STOP HUNTING BY SELLING HIM/HER FALSE INFO. just because the wounded animal gets away, that doesn't mean it wont get eaten by predators. and everything dies! don't tell me that you feel bad for a wounded deer. how do you think the people who plant trees fell when the deer eats the bark and the buds off their trees and the tree dies? how much do you think it costs to fix a broken bumper after someone hits a deer?

the main use of hunting is population control. then its to put meat on the table.

if you anti hunters don't like hunting, then just stay away from it; don't go to the hunting section, don't give annoying answers to people who have legitimate questions and they need answers. hunting is a special thing. it is usually taught by dads and grandparents who want their grandchildren to learn something that you people try to tarnish! yeah we kill animals. so do slaughter houses.

steak, hamburger, hot dogs, bacon, chicken. all taken and killed without the animal having a chance to fight back or defend itself.

you know what you can do to help?

you can shut your damn mouth and stay out of the hunting section and let the genuine outdoors man do the asking and answering!

live in western PA, and damn proud of it %26lt;((((%26gt;%26lt;

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